Mollie gave birth to a healthy 6.7 lb, 21inch baby boy today at 0159 am, Dylan Robert Newman.
Yesterday we had a routine 38 week appointment and our doctor determined that Mollie had low Amniotic Fluid volume and he wanted us to come in for an induction.
1 pm: Admitted to Hospital
2 pm: Drug administered to start labor (pitocin)
4 pm: Water broke430 pm: contractions began
8 pm: Mollie around 8 cm dilated
1130 pm: Mollie completely dilated and began to push
0159 am : Baby born

Mollie and Dylan shortly after delivery

Mollie and Karalee - Mollie and I relied on our awesome birthing nurses who guided us through this, Epidural free. Karalee not only educated us in our childbirth education classes she was assigned to be our nurse through the toughest part of the 9 hour labor.
More to come very soon.
do we get to see a photo with the proud papa?